perpetual present


Photography: Kim Tieleman

In samenwerking met fotograaf Kim Tieleman heb ik het drieluik “Perpetual present” gemaakt. We hebben foto’s gebruikt uit het Nationale Archief / Collectie Spaarnestad en quotes gebruikt van 3 schrijvers. De foto’s zijn bewerkt met glowinthedark-borduurgaren.
Het werk gaat over hoop en overgave. Wat als je geen toekomst hebt…

In collaboration with photographer Kim Tieleman I made triptych “Perpetual present”.
We used pictures from the National Archive / Collection Spaarnestad and quotes from 3 writers. The pictures are edited with glowinthedark- embroidery.
The work is about hope and surrender. What to do if you have no future…

Perpetual Present
By Sonja Hillen and Kim Tieleman

Triptych, fine art prints with embroidery
115 x 42 cm, 2018

Quotes used:

“Man is not oriented toward death, but toward the novum – the expectation of, and hope for, something new.”

Ernst Bloch (From the book ‘Stil de tijd’ by Joke Hermsen, p. 156, an interpretation by Joke Hermsen about a saying of Ernst Bloch, loosely translated)

“The future, instead of the ladder towards the goals of life, flattens out into a perpetual present.”

Paul Kalanithi (From the book ‘When breath becomes air’, p. 198)

“By letting go of hope as a vision of the future, I became a hopeful person.”

Laura Maaskant (Blog, loosely translated)


Photos used (Left to right):

01 National Archive | Collection Spaarnestad | Wiel van der Randen
Patient being treated in the operating theatre.
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital, Amsterdam, 1940. 

02 National Archive | Collection Spaarnestad | Het Leven
A camera is filming an operation during a college of professor
Deaver in Philadelphia. United States of America, 1921.

03 National Archive | Collection Spaarnestad | Wiel van der Randen
Radiotherapy, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital, Amsterdam, 1940.